Welcome to Rapeocide

If the Police told you that your girlfriend, wife, sister, friend or mother had been RAPED! How would you feel? How would they feel?

What if this happened a dozen times in one day? Impossible or unlikely you may think?

The rapists kicked her in the face, stuck a knife to her throat and told her that they would KILL HER FAMILY if she went to the Police? What if this went on for years?

Well guess what? This is happening RIGHT NOW in the UK as you sit and read this!

We call it RAPEOCIDE. Help STOP it now!


NOTE For security and privacy reasons we use anonymous public wfi internet cafes in the UK to run this blog. In addition all of our computers run secure encryption software which constantly changes our IP addresses via multiple servers worldwide to display non UK "fake" IP addresses.

Monday, 28 December 2009


We invented the word "rapeocide" to describe the mass and horrific raping of women, mainly from Eastern Europe, through forced prostitution.

We estimate that millions of unreported and uninvestigated rapes happen throughout the UK every year. We believe it is the biggest, yet one of the lowest profile, crimes happening today.

This blog is run by a group of people called Rapeocide. We are not part of any political party or organisation. We are ordinary, law abiding everyday members of the public just like you. We want to communicate, in everyday language which people can relate to, the atrocities which are happening.

Rapeocide aims:

1. To promote awareness of the sexual exploitation of women and forced prostitution in the United Kingdom
2. To ensure our Government is tackling the issue with sufficient priority and providing our Police force with adequate resources.
3. To assist victims of forced prostitution by providing them with resources which enable them to seek help before, during or after being forced into prostitution.

Watch this space as we post more over the coming weeks............Let us know your opinions, experiences and thoughts on the subject

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